
Sunday, April 19, 2009

After the Read-a-Thon

I hit my goal of visiting all 168 blogs (my count) participating in the read-a-thon, but sadly, I fell short of doing it all during the actual read-a-thon. But I visited the last few today to say congratulations and I'm so glad I did. There are a lot of wonderful blogs out there that I never would have known about or visited if it weren't for this read-a-thon. Thanks to everyone for visiting me back here. I hope you'll stick around!

Now, for those of you who stayed up all night reading, get some sleep!


  1. Did you have any favorite blogs? I'd love to hear about them.


  2. Wow, you did some fabulous cheerleading! Thanks for all you did to make the Readathon a success!

  3. I had Internet removed from my home because I was spending too much time "at work" and not enough "at rest." Before the next Read-A-Thon, I'll have to have it reinstated. I could have used some cheering on and help with staying up! But it was loads of fun anyway.


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